Life isn’t about being fearless

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Lovely sentiment. Hallmark gets a lot of mileage out of it.

However it’s full of crap.

You know where every seemingly impossible journey actually begins?

It’s when you get out of your own way. It’s when you lean into the fear that tells you “no you can’t” and you attempt it anyway.

Life isn’t about being fearless. It’s about admitting something scares the crap out of you and still trying.

Clumsily. Painfully. Awkwardly. A million missteps but still moving forward.

And here is the brutal truth - you may not achieve it. You may fail.

So what?

You won’t be the same person on the other side - no matter what.

So think about what that thing is in your life. That idea that scares you silly but secretly you always wanted to try.

And then decide to take the first steps to do it.

That’s how a journey of a thousand miles begins.

You decide.

Two days out from Devil’s Path. I am shoving too many items into a backpack. I just asked the question “do we bury the toilet paper or carry it out?”

Hilariously there are strong opinions on both sides.

Lord have mercy!

#DP2020 #Ihaveneverpeedinthewoods


Pain is pain. You might as well get something out of it.


Killer quails