The energy you surround yourself with will change you

It was Saturday morning and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a blanket with a cup of coffee. The ten and eleven year old still had virtual school work to finish. I put on a fake smile and told them both to come to the dining room table so I could help them. They sat across from each other. And it began.

"Stupid..." one hissed to the other.

"At least I'm not ugly..."

"That's enough," I had said sharply. Not one to give up an opportunity to shove a motivational speech down my kids' unwilling throats, I hitched up my pants, channeling Chris Farley down by the river, and dug in.

"I want to tell you about something I read the other day."

"Please no," one said. The other nodded. Delightful - something they can agree on.

I promptly ignored them both.

"So there was a scientist who did a study on water and he discovered that water changed shape based on the energy that surrounded it."

Eyes were glazed shut but at least so were their mouths. Moving on with the lesson...

"Anyway he took water that was found deep in nature and froze it and discovered it made the most perfect crystals. But when he did the same with water from polluted streams, the crystals were broken and misshapen."

I stood up for effect and because my hitched up pants were uncomfortable.

"Now here is the really cool part. The scientist discovered that when he spoke positive words and gave loving energy to the broken crystals they began to change shape and heal. Is that not amazing!"

I ended the speech rather loudly because it truly did blow my mind.

My youngest two had their minds clearly intact BUT they did look mildly interested.

"So the things you say to each other and the energy you surround yourself with will change you." I dropped the mic and sat down a bit exhausted. Soul Saturday - bring out Oprah.

Both kids reverted their attention back to their school work - now a welcome escape. No thunderous applause. No request for a kleenex to wipe a tear. But there was silence.

It was a start.

But only for a moment. Then the ten year cheekily said, "I suppose she can't help the way she looks...."

(The water study is found in a book called "The Hidden Messages in Water" by Dr. Masuru Emoto. It is highlighted in an incredible book called "The Power of Positive Energy" by Tanaaz Chubb.)

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What will you do next?


The advent of hope